Tokens linked to an attachment


The client who wants to recover tokens linked to an attachment in order to carry out operations on behalf of his users must first register his application with the Mobilic API by sending an email to the address with the following information:

  • application name

  • requested environment (sandbox or production)

Therefore, the client will receive a client_id and an api_key.

Endpoint /protected

Le endpoint /protected will allow you to make specific requests for company creation, employee attachment and attachment token retrieval.


HTTP Header

When using this endpoint, you must add these two HTTP headers to your requests:

  • X-API-KEY : theapi_key provided by Mobilic team

  • X-CLIENT-ID : the client_id provided by Mobilic team

Token retrieval

Step 1: Your software must first be linked to the corresponding company

pageLinking your software to a company

Step 2: You must send access requests to employees

pageAttaching employees to the company

Step 3: Access tokens retrieval

pageRetrieval of tokens linked to an attachment

Last updated